I quite like this, it is changing the function of book to be something more visual than writing. I assume the content of the book somehow relates to birds.. the website didn't really give much information. It just caught my eye, at it really challenges the function and definition of a book - maybe something to consider when designing my book? What do i want the book to function as.
is a book called, "change the world for a fiver" It is the content of this book that i really enjoy and find interesting. It contains 50 different ideas for improving the world.Some of the ideas are very simple, some more complex. Everyone can do some of them and that does make you feel good. It offers simple suggestions on things to do that can help work towards a better world to live in, from really simple objectives like refusing carrier bags to somewhat larger things such as giving blood. All its suggestions are put forward in an informative and humourous, yet very simple way. It's one of those books that leaves you feeling happy and inspired once you have finished reading it! A definate worthwhile read.