I have found a really good magazine called IDN. It has such good layout in it, and really good designers. One interview i found particularaly interesting was one with the design studio ICFF, founded by Oliver Wiegner. I found it interesting because i could relate to alot of his responses.
Q - Do you have a design philosophy? What sort of feeling would you like your wok to inspire in the viewer?
A - Not really a philosophy, more a feeling or an attitude. Everytime i do a project i want to go one step further. Everytime i try to provoke wth more oddness or beauty in a strange way. I like to create a lack of understanding. It's more interesting for me if people do not understand my work immediately.
Q - What do you think about the relationship between art and Music?
A - Music is like a drug. For me, its really inspiring to listen to music Futhermore, music - and especially electronic music - and graphic design have a lot in common. I guess the process of sitting in front of your computer and mixing sounds or going around and collecting samples is quite similar to the work i do. From time to time i was a VJ. That is the most direct way to bring both together and to be influenced by music immediately.
\"Music is like a drug. For me, its really inspiring to listen to music Futhermore, music - and especially electronic music - and graphic design have a lot in common. I guess the process of sitting in front of your computer and mixing sounds or going around and collecting samples is quite similar to the work i do."
This is a key answer for as this is the music I listen to when doing my work, and this may help to explain why I have always felt there is a link between the music I listen to and the work that I am doing.
Futher into the interview Oliver Wiegner went on to say that when he thinks of a project he will think of connotations, a concept and try to form this picture in his mind of what his work will look like. Even if it is a really rough picture..he would like the ability to print the ideas out of his brain, but the process of having to transform work into the real work brings ideas with it. The results end up being completely different to what he originally thought of.
This is something that i can comepletely related to, more often than not when i get a brief i will have an image of my final piece. But never has my final piece turned out like i originally planned, just because as i am working through development of my design other ideas come to mind.