Designers use spot colour
to ensure that a particular
colour in a design will
print. The CMYK gamut does
not cover the full range of
colours visible to the human
eye.Spot colours have
greater intesity and vibrancy
as they print as a solid
colour rather than being
made up of dots.
Spot colours are made from
various base elements, mixed
according to a specific
recipie. The pantone PMS
colour system has developed
to include a wide range of
different colours, uncluding
solid, hexachrome, metallic
and pastel colours.
When printing a spot colours,
it requires its own printing
plate. The more printing
plates you have the more
expsnive the printing process
will be.
Due to expensive costs spot
colours are often the
preferred method of print.
Using two colour variations
is cheaper than having to
go down the four colour
route of CMYK.
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