This is a design group that i included in my Presentation, I think i work in a similar way to this design group, as they work conceptually like i do.
I like how literally they have taken the idea of comparing workers to that of conditions that chickens live in.
The way chickens are handled and cared for are continually on debate, i know more about this topic than i do about the working conditions of humans. Because the majority of us eat eggs, the care of the chickens is something we are kind of responsible for. It is something we all seem to understand, as there as been so much about it on the news.
Working conditions are a bit of a rare topic to be debating, so putting the human into the package of the chicken kind of brings back familiarity and understanding, it gives us something to compare it on. The concept of comparing Office working conditions to Free range chickens is just really strong, and the way they have dealt with it is even better. The fact that they have packaged the human in such a clever way makes the message so much more straight forward and clearer. The design has obviously been clearly and really thought out, as every detail is considered - the way the human is positioned, the text and materials. It is just very well done!