Saturday 13 October 2007

Cut & Paste

Came across this website on myspace - its useful for something.

You often see a piece of a designers work and not know what the original brief was. I like that when you look at the past events of this tournment it shows the word they were given with their final image.
One of the words was "OXYMORON"

^^ Image Above ^^

I think the idea behind this piece is clever. It is using the meaning of the word oxymoron, opposites or self-contradictory. The dove, a symbol of peace is dropping what appears to be bombs onto religious grounds.
(Hector Ortiz)

I also quite like the simplictic style of this image, if it was too busy it would be quite hard to work out what the message of the piece was. I think he chose a good idea of oxymoron to try and explain, as peace and war are complete opposites.