So, i am determined to create a high quality body of research. And have spent the first week decided what to do it on. Typical of me really, anyway, i got a book for christmas that helped me to decide. I am going to base my project on signs. It's something i would not have thought of unless this book was given to me, immedietly you would nto consider signs to be interesting, but if you are really looking they are, if you take them out of context, change the context, photograph them, think about what they really are - simplified information.
Best or Worst?
Do i want to question the symbol as being sucessful or not?
It could be quite funny to look at the worst signs, maybe i could change the context of the good signs to make them into bad signs.
Go beyond road signs. Look at sign language. How it is unervisal, making it a good sign.
I am going to look at the best signs.
How about looking at superstitious signs.
I am getting a little too excited over all these possibilities.